Intention Setting…

A primary element of the sound ceremony is deciding how you want the vibrational medicine to work with your mind, body and being. Please take a moment to reflect on the below.

Questions for Letting Go…

What unhealthy mental and physical attachments do you want to release?

What aspects of yourself and your life do you not fully accept? What prevents you from accepting them?

Where would you like to feel more love and acceptance in your life?

If fear were absent, how would you live your life?
What would it look like? Most importantly, how would it feel?

What fears are preventing you from sharing love fully with others?

Who would you like to forgive and why (including yourself)?

What negative beliefs do you carry that prevent self-love?

Where in your life - currently and in the past - do the following emotions and behaviors show up and why (situations, relationships, etc): repression, denial, shame, rejection, guilt, and separation?

Questions for Welcoming In…

Where could you give more devotion and commitment?

What kind of future do you envision for yourself? Be specific and visualize it.

What are you devoted to? What do you give your heart fully to?

Where in your life are you not speaking your truth? What holds you back?

 How to Prepare



To increase your sensitivity and openness we highly recommend refraining from alcohol and other substances for 48 hours prior (preferably 72 hours) in preparation. And eating as cleanly as possible (no processed foods or sugar).


Set an intention - between now and then, set aside some time for intuitive writing and see if anything interesting comes up that you'd like to further explore. If you're currently doing any focused self-work, this is the perfect setting to further explore and receive more clarity. [examples of guided questions below]


The deeper the non-ordinary state you are entering, the more important it is to keep a daily practice. I also recommend keeping a daily meditation and/or yoga practice leading up to this event. 

What to Bring?

Please bring a snack to share with the group at the close of the ceremony

  • Comfortable layers of clothing for temperature changes: sweater, hoodie, scarf, jacket, socks, shorts, skirt, pants etc. (you’ll be both hot and cold throughout the journey)

  • A yoga mat or any padding or cushion, and any bedding needed to make a cozy home, as we’ll be lying on the floor for the meditation

  • Pillows / Blankets

  • Eye mask

  • Refillable water bottle

  • Journal & pen

  • Any personal items you may want or need to make yourself as comfortable as possible for this extensive journey!

  • A sacred object with meaning to you

  • Your Intentions on a sheet of paper